
A respondent is considered a possible straight-liner when they give the same answer to multiple sequential questions.  Straight-lining can be due to fatigue, time constraints, or other factors.  However, the concern is that the respondent is not providing a thoughtful and accurate answer.  If this is a concern, then Jibunu can display a message when straight-lining, and take desired actions, if straight-lining is detected.

If you would like straight-liner checks in place for your study please indicate which questions you would like checked and what criteria a respondent must meet to be considered a straight-liner for each question in the final document and also let us know how you would like them treated (e.g. terminated, or allowed to complete, but flagged in the data).

Options include:

  • Have a warning message appear when straight-lining is detected on a question.
    • Standard warning message:
      • All items appear to have the same answer. Please consider your responses carefully.  If this is what you intended, please click continue to proceed.
    • Allow respondent to update answers and click continue or just click continue.
    • Create your own custom warning message and logic and include it in the questionnaire.
  • Which questions to include the straight-liner logic on.
  • How many answers need to be the same in order for the respondent to be considered a straight-liner.
    • All answers.
    • Specific number of answers for that question (For example: 5 out of 10 answers are the same.)
  • Actions based on straight-liner criteria:
    • Flag the respondent as a straight-liner in the data with no other action taken.
    • Terminate the respondent.
    • Additional custom terminate criteria can be added such as using a combination of factors to terminate a respondent.  Example: Terminate if flagged as a straight-liner on 5 or more questions.

admin has written 28 articles

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