XLIFF Translating Instructions

What should be translated?

Only survey text and currency symbols should be translated.

What should not be translated?

  • Any symbols/characters (ex: ~) should remain as they are in the original export. They should not be rearranged or changed in any way, as these are used for programming purposes.
    • For example: If a question in the survey has two different versions of text, double tildes are used to separate them. These tildes should not be rearranged, changed, or removed. As an example of why this is very important, if the tilde is replaced using a similar Japanese character, the programming will not function properly, and the difference is difficult to detect when trying to determine the cause of the problem. 

Original file (English):            What did you do?~~What did they do?
Translated file (Spanish):      Qué hiciste?~~Qué hicieron?

Items within brackets:

  • Usually items within brackets should not be translated. For example:


This should not be translated, and should be left as is in the file. The text for BRAND is being inserted from elsewhere in the survey.

  • If there are tildes (~) within the brackets, all text after the first tilde should be translated (the text before the first tilde is used for programming purposes only). For example:


In the above, only the text “Blue”, “Red” and “Green” should be translated. The rest should stay as is. So, if this were being translated into Spanish, the string would look as follows:


Items within html tags (< and >):

  • Items within html tags should never be translated:  For example: 

Only text in between html tags should be translated. Anything within “<” and “>” should be left as is.

<b><span class=”BLUE”>Blue</span></b>

In the above, only the text “Blue” should be translated. So, if this were being translated into Spanish, it would look as follows:

<b><span class=”BLUE”>Azul</span></b>

Example of a correct translation

Here is an example that includes all instructions above:

[TITLE~Mission Statement~Jibunu’s Mission Statement]

<br><br>Our <b>mission</b>  is to cultivate a world-class team of well trained, highly motivated, expert <i>professionals</i>  who find it rewarding to deliver outstanding service to our clients.

<br><br>We aim to continuously set a new standard for innovation, excellence, and service in premier research data collection. And we strive to create <span class=”BLUE”>[PIPE:METHODS]</span> of service delivery that increase our clients’ success, their profitability, and the integrity of their research.

<br><br><img src=”images/logo.jpg” alt=””>

~~Jibunu’s Mission Statement can be found online at www.jibunu.com.

If this were being translated into Spanish, it would like as follows in the xliff file:

[TITLE~Declaración de la Misión~Declaración de la Misión de Jibunu]

<br><br>Nuestra <b>misión</b> es la de cultivar un equipo de clase mundial de una buena formación, highliy motivados, <i>profesionales</i>  expertos que les resulta gratificante para ofrecer un servicio excepcional a nuestros clientes.

<br><br>Nuestro objetivo es establecer continuamente un nuevo estándar para la innovación, la excelencia y el servicio de recolección de datos de investigación de primer nivel. Y nos esforzamos por crear <span class=”BLUE”>[PIPE:METHODS]</span>  de la prestación de servicios que aumentan el éxito de nuestros clientes, su rentabilidad y la integridad de su investigación.

<br><br><img src=”images/logo.jpg” alt=””>

~~La Declaración de la Misión Jibunu se puede encontrar en línea en www.jibunu.com.

Country Based Text

Sometimes a study may have text in the English document that is shown based on which country is being shown.

  • In an XLF file, the text that most often needs to be translated is in the Source, and the translator enters the translation in the Target, which is typically blank.
  • In the case where there is a non-US version of the text that needs to be translated, the non-US version of the English text will appear in the Target.
  • The original English text will still appear in the Source, but this should not be used in this case. If there is English text prepopulated in the Target field, please translate the Target instead of the Source.

Examples of Country Based Text

Example 0 (Standard XLF without country based text for comparison):

Age: ___

Source: Age

Target as provided by Jibunu:

Target after Translator Updates (French): Âge

Example 1 (Country based text that does not require updating):

Weight:  ____ [if US] lbs [if FR] kgs

Source: lbs

Target as provided by Jibunu: kgs

Target after Translator Updates (French): Âge : kgs


Example 2 (Country based text that Requires Translation):

Assume that this drug has already been approved by the [if US] FDA [if FR] EMA.

Source: Assume that this drug has already been approved by the FDA.

Target as provided by Jibunu: Assume that this drug has already been approved by the EMA.

Target after Translator Updates (French): Supposons que ce médicament a déjà été approuvé par l’EMA

Please note that if the translations do not follow the instructions provided in this document, there can be complications when importing the file back into the program. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

admin has written 28 articles

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