Respondents with a status of OTQ (over tolerance quota) were over-quota due to overage tolerance. Overage tolerance is a safeguard against quota overages that works by limiting the number of respondents allowed to qualify for a quota group. This limit is the quota group’s maximum plus a specified percentage of that maximum (default is 10% for consumer studies and 0% for medical studies). If there are enough qualified in-progress respondents to fill the quota (+10% if the study has 10% overage tolerance), then all other respondents who attempt to qualify for that quota group will be over-quota in order to prevent overages. The in-progress respondents will take up this quota spot as long as they are actively taking the survey (default is within the last 2 hours or other specified time period) or if they complete. After two hours of inactivity, the respondent will be flagged as “qualified, but suspended for inactivity”, or -302. The 2 hour limit is the inactivity recheck time. Inactivity recheck provides a safeguard against quota overages, based on the amount of time qualified incompletes have been inactive in the survey. In addition, it limits the amount of time a qualified incomplete that may never complete the survey will count toward a quota check with overage tolerance.
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