Language Overlays and Translations


Jibunu regularly supports surveys that are fielding globally. We can work with any language, including right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic. If you need Jibunu to handle the actual translations for your multi-language survey, we can provide them using a trusted translation partner.

We offer two overlay options when programming multi-language surveys: Express XLIFF Overlays and Manual MS Word Overlays.  It is important to note the following, regarding the overlay process:

  • Overlays can be started once the programming/logic for all languages has been finalized and approved within the English master document. Working on overlays prior to having the main survey finalized results in rework which delays the end product.
  • All programming logic should be in the main English document, including country or language specific logic for items that are only seen in non-English versions of the survey. Non-English documents are used solely for translation text and not programming logic.

Express XLIFF Overlay Method

Our translation tool uses XLIFF formatted files to export and import overlays from/to Jibunu’s proprietary survey platform.  XLIFF is an XML document format widely used by translation companies and it is often used in place of MS Word or other text documents.  If your organization or translation vendor is not able to easily work with XLIFF files, you may still be able to take advantage of our Express Overlays using CSV formatted files. Please make sure to let your Project Manager know you will need the CSV format when requesting your files.

The process when using this translation method with Jibunu is as follows:

  • Jibunu programs the survey in English.
  • After you have tested and approve the English survey (i.e., there will be no additional changes), Jibunu exports the survey in XLIFF or CSV format and sends the file(s) to you or the translator.
  • The translator imports the XLIFF file into their system to translate the appropriate text. When finished, they export the translated XLIFF file out of their system and send it back to Jibunu. If the translator is using a CSV file, translations can be directly entered into the CSV file.
  • Jibunu imports the file back into our system. This step can typically be completed the same business day that we receive the file.
  • The translated links should then be provided to the translator for confirmation of the export/import process.

Follow this link for detailed information on XLIFF Translating Instructions!

Manual MS Word File Overlay Method

With the manual overlay method, we enter the translations into our system by referencing an MS Word document.  The process for handling overlays with MS Word documents is as follows:

  • Jibunu programs the survey in English.
  • After you have tested and approve the English survey (i.e., there will be no additional changes), either you or the translator sends us the translated versions of the final survey in MS Word documents.
  • Jibunu manually enters the translations into the survey for each language/dialect. This typically takes 1-2 business days per language, although there may be overlap in timelines for studies that can have more than one overlay in-progress at once! This process can also take longer for more complex studies.  Your Project Manager will confirm overlay timelines once translations are received and ready to begin.
  • The translated links should then be provided to the translator for confirmation of the final programmed overlay.

Follow this link for Important Details about MS Word Overlays


Updated: 8/13/2021

admin has written 28 articles

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