Glossary of Terms




Respondent is classified as an abandon if they have been inactive in the screener section of the survey for 60+ minutes.

Abandon Report

See Respondent Progress Report.

Abandon Tolerance Window

To prevent qualified abandons that may never complete the survey from filling a quota group, respondents who have been inactive for a specified period of time (default is 2 hours) will not be counted toward overage tolerance, thus allowing new respondents to qualify if their quota group is still open. When respondents who have been inactive for the specified period of time attempt to return to the survey, they will only be allowed to continue if their quota group is still open.

Absolute Anchor

Anchors a sub-question or answer in place even if a list of sub-questions or answers are randomized.


An effective method for solving a problem using a finite sequence of instructions. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and many other fields.

Each algorithm is a list of well-defined instructions for completing a task. Starting from an initial state, the instructions describe a computation that proceeds through a well-defined series of successive states, eventually terminating in a final ending state. The transition from one state to the next is not necessarily deterministic; some algorithms, known as randomized algorithms, incorporate randomness.


An attribute is a feature, function, and/or benefit that make up an individual product or service.


To automatically fill in an answer to a question, via programming, based on previous data from that respondent.

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A block or cell is a subgroup of the individuals taking the survey, often used for quota purposes. When certain combinations of answers cause a respondent to be assigned to a specific block/cell, potentially affecting which questions are seen by that particular respondent.


See Quota Bucket.

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A storage device in web browsers that saves information from websites to be used the next time that site is visited. For some changes, a browser’s cache must be cleared for the changes to appear correctly if that browser was previously used to view the survey.


A card is one scenario in a Choice Task or Conjoint exercise.

Case Form

A survey style where several questions are rendered on one screen, in a neat uniform manner. This is usually seen more than once and used in medical studies.


A cell or block is a subgroup of the individuals taking the survey, often used for quota purposes. It is often asked that certain combinations of answers cause a respondent to be assigned to a specific cell/block, potentially affecting which questions are seen by that particular respondent.

Choice Task

A Choice Task or Conjoint is a survey exercise that attempts to mimic real life purchasing behavior by allowing respondents to jointly see different products or concepts with varying levels of attributes. It forces decisions based on comparisons of attribute quality to allow researchers to measure the value of each level of each attribute of the product or concept.


The status of a finished project after a live survey has finished its timeline and met its desired quotas.


See Cell.


A qualified respondent who reaches the last page of a survey.

Complete Page

The page seen when completing the survey. Usually, when live, will be redirected to a link provided. Jibunu standard is to display text saying that we are waiting for the client to provide text, or “You have completed the study. Thank you for your time.”

Completion Rate

This is generally the percent of qualified respondents who complete the survey.


A Conjoint or Choice Task is a survey exercise that attempts to mimic real life purchasing behavior by allowing respondents to jointly see different products or concepts with varying levels of attributes. It forces decisions based on comparisons of attribute quality to allow researchers to measure the value of each level of each attribute of the product or concept.

Control Group

A group of respondents that does not receive the “new” or experimental concept in the survey. Researchers will compare responses of this group to those of the experimental groups to measure the significance of the new feature(s) being studied.

Count Grid

The count grid in the Report Portal contains the number of completes, terminates, and incompletes for a study.


A question type where there is an integer based answer box with a dollar sign.

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Data collection

As respondents take a survey, their answers are collected and reported as data to the Report Portal.

Data Matching

When we program a study as a copy with changes, it is standard to maintain all labeling from the previous version. New items will be labeled using the document while trying to maintain a consistent format with the existing questions if necessary. If you need the positions to remain the same or removed items to remain in the data layouts, this will be considered additional work. This should be communicated during the quoting phase to ensure that everyone has an accurate understanding of the effort and costs involved in the project.  If this is something you will need let us know what formats (CSV,  ASCII, rarely SPSS) you would like the reports. Generally positions do not need to match using SPSS but please check with your data processor if you are not sure what they will be using.  


Discrete Choice Models (DCM) combines multivariate complexity and realistic simulation of mundane shopping experiences. In a typical DCM, each respondent is presented with multiple cards that list major alternatives or brands that are seen or will be seen in market, with varying prices and other attributes. On each card, respondents are instructed to pick one model or brand (or to allocate proportions of brands to be picked out of their next, say, 10 or 20 shopping occasions), as well as the purchase intents for the brands picked. In such a trade-off setting, consumers reveal their true preferences (reference).

Default Page

Also referred to as a landing page. This is used when the client would like the respondent to enter a password. It may be to make the link that they send out basic, short and concise. Or it may be that the study has a moderator and each person they are interviewing has a unique password.

Delayed Terminate

When respondents will not be terminated immediately upon failing to qualify, but either at the end of the screener or after a specific qualify variable.


The characteristics of a respondent, such as gender, age, level of education, and income. Many surveys will have a “Demographics” section at the beginning or end.


De-rotated data is seen in the order that it was entered (which should match the order of the document), even if the questions/answers were randomized in the programming of the survey.

Design File

A document explaining the behavior of a DCM, Max-Diff, or Choice Task, outlining group, page, and item assignment.


An online record of purchases over a period of time.

Drag and Drop

The action of (or support for the action of) clicking on a virtual object and dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual object. In general, it can be used to invoke many kinds of actions, or create various types of associations between two abstract objects.

Drop Down

A type of menu that, when selected, opens downward to reveal a list of possible options.

Dummy Data

Dummy Data can be generated and used to confirm that the data from the survey is being created as it was intended. Dummy Data can be generated once the survey programming is finalized.

Duration and Adjusted Duration

Duration is the difference between the start and end timestamps, while AdjustedDuration is the sum of the amount of time spent on each page. If a respondent goes straight through the survey, they will be the same. However, if a respondent closes out of or refreshes their browser, the ‘clock’ for the page that they are on will restart upon re-entry, so only the time after they re-enter/refresh will count for that page. In these cases, the AdjustedDuration will end up being shorter. Basically, AdjustedDuration attempts to exclude time during which the system thinks the respondent was not taking the survey.

The median calculated on the Simple Counter uses AdjustedDuration (displayed in seconds), while the Duration Seconds column on the Vendor Report uses Duration.

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End Text 

If redirect links are not being used then end text would be put in place to display a message to respondents who complete, terminate or go over quota. You can specify custom end text or use the Jibunu standard end text.  Click here to see our standard end text.


This column in the data file is toward the end of the file. This is the time the respondent finished the survey.

Error Message

A message, often in red, that is presented to the respondent if their answers do not meet specific requirements; for instance, if the question asks for an answer in a range of 1-100 and the respondent answers 101, they will see an error message.


Not able to be selected with an(y) other answer option(s). Will either clear other answers if selected, or produce an error message if selected in conjunction with the other option(s).

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A programming and rendering environment which allows for mutli-media elements and/or interactive graphics to be part of a study.


This column in the data file will count the number of times that focus was lost on a survey. For example if the respondent clicks on a different tab or a link that takes them to a new page it will be counted.


A note placed at the bottom of a specific page or all pages of a study.


To require an answer from the respondent before he/she is allowed to proceed to the next question.

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A grid is an ordered arrangement of rows and columns.

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Hidden Variable

A question that is used to display the outcome of logic from previous screens or used to decide logic going forward. These will only be seen when testing, and hidden when live. Usually will be auto-posted, forced, and with a message saying that it will not be seen in live mode. When testing, may not be auto-posted if data would be pulled from sample.

Hard Quota

Also called a max quota. These are quotas that do not allow any additional qualified respondents into a survey after a certain number of completes is reached.

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Inactivity Recheck Time

See Abandon Tolerance Window.

Incidence Rate

The standard incidence rate formula is Completes/(All respondents – OQ Terms-Abandons).


Status of a respondent who starts a survey but has not yet completed it.


Respondent is classified as in-progress while active in the screener section of the survey.


A pop-up option within a question that allows a respondent to see more information that may or may not be necessary in order to answer the question. This opens in a box that appears on the same page as the question, rather than in a separate window.

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This column in the data file references the language the survey was taken in.


This column in the data file records the last time the survey was accessed.


Can either apply to a survey layout or a data layout. For a survey layout, it could be the format of all or specific pages (i.e. new look and feel), how the survey is organized (i.e. by sections), or how one element on a page appears (i.e. grid). For data layouts, it’s how the data is presented in the data file.


A least-fill is a type of assignment logic where the category/group with the least number of respondents would be assigned in order to achieve a balance among the categories/groups.  Least-fill is based on the data from completed respondents only. Those respondents who are in progress or abandoned will not be included in the count until they have completed.

Live Link

The live link should be sent to live respondents. Any activity for this link will affect the live data and quotas. If this link is used for testing purposes at any point, please send the test IDs to your project manager so they can be cleared from the data.

We offer two different types of live links: unique and generic.

A unique link will require a unique ID to be used for each respondent accessing the survey. With this type, Jibunu can also pre-load IDs into our system so that only specified IDs can access the survey.

The generic link is an “open” link that does not require a unique ID variable. Unique IDs are automatically generated by our system with this type of link.

Live mode

A study in live mode appears as would be seen by a respondent, where question numbers and hidden variables are not seen.

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The upper and lower limits to number entry questions. Unless instructed, normal masks are 0-2147483647, percent masks are 0-100, and year masks are 1900-PRESENT YEAR.


A series of questions typically using a design file where a respondent sees X number of screens featuring Y number of items each (out of a list of Z number of items), and is generally asked to pick the most and least liked. Unless otherwise specified, you should not be able to select the same item as both most and least.

Maximum Quota

See Hard Quota.

Minimum Quota

These are quotas that do not have a cap, but aim to achieve a minimum requirement. An overall quota must be programmed along with a minimum quota in order for it to work properly. For an example click here


When an image or text functions as a link that, when moving the mouse over the linked item, opens a display window containing an image or more text. This window can be removed by moving the mouse away from the linked text.

Multi-punch Question

Where you can select one or more responses for the question or subquestion. Often—but not always—featuring a none option that is exclusive.

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Nested Minimum Quotas

This is when you have 2 (or more) grids that depend on each other and they have minimum quotas on each. An example click here

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Open-end Question

Where a respondent has one or a series of text boxes available for answer. If only one, it will usually be forced, and if multiple, only one will usually be forced.

Other Specify

In a list of answer options, an item that enables a respondent to enter specific text and select it as a valid option in a manner befitting the question type. The entered text may be piped later in the survey, and this functionality must be programmed and tested if required.

Over Quota (OQ)

A respondent who is not allowed to complete a survey because one or more of the quotas they qualify for have already been filled.

Over Quota Page

The page seen when a respondent terminates by being over the quota for that particular qualification. Usually, when live, will be redirected to a link provided. Jibunu standard is to display text saying that we are waiting for the client to provide text, or “We’re sorry, but you are not eligible to participate in this study. We appreciate your interest and hope you will participate in future studies. Thank you for your time.”

Overage Tolerance

To protect against over recruitment, Jibunu places a limit on the number of respondents allowed to qualify for each quota group. Once that limit is reached for a quota group, new respondents attempting to qualify for it will be terminated. By default, overage tolerance is set at 0% for surveys using medical sample and 10% for all others, unless otherwise specified.


An additional language or dialect supplied for a study. Normally, no programming changes are required as the only changes are textual or images.

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A pool of individuals picked by a company or market research firm to study consumer behavior and advise about the well-being of a business. Could also refer to a special sample classification from a pre-selected group.


When prior answer options or entered text are carried to a later point in the survey. Often used with variables and other specifies.


When an image or text functions as a link that, when clicked, opens a new window with an image or more text inside. This new window will have its own close button. Can often be seen when seeing text like “Click here to review…” or an image accompanied by the instructions “Click to enlarge.”

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Qualified but suspended for inactivity (terminate location -302)

A respondent’s classification is changed from qualified abandon to qualified but suspended for inactivity when the quota check is activated and the number of qualified abandons are preventing the quota from being reached. The qualified abandons who have been abandoned for longer than the inactivity recheck time will be re-classified as qualified but suspended for inactivity. These respondents are still considered abandons and can return to the survey. If a respondent classified as qualified but suspended for inactivity re-enters the survey the quota check will be activated and if the quota is still open the respondent will be allowed to complete. Otherwise the respondent will be terminated for over quota.

Qualified In-progress (terminate location -2)

Respondent is classified as qualified in-progress if they have met the screener criteria, passed the quota check, and is active in the main section of the survey.

Qualified Abandons (terminate location -2)

Respondent is defined as a qualified abandon if they have met the screener criteria, passed the quota check, and have been inactive in the main section of the survey for 60+ minutes.

Qualified Respondent

Qualified respondent is either defined as qualified in-progress or qualified abandon.


A limitation of some kind on how many respondents of a certain type are allowed to complete a survey.

Quota Bucket or Group

A specific group of respondents for quota purposes. The bucket is considered “full” when its quota is met.

Quota Checks

Once a respondent qualifies, the quota structure is checked to determine if there is still room to allow them to complete.

Quota Recheck Inactivity Time

See Abandon Tolerance Window.

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Randomize functionality allows questions and/or answer options to appear in a random order.  Even though the questions and/or answer options appear in random order, they will maintain a consistent reporting value.  There are many options available for randomizing.

  • Questions or groups of questions can be randomized.
  • Answer options or groups of answer options can be randomized.
  • Even when the answer options are randomized, specific answer options can be forced to always appear in a specific location such as Other or Don’t Know can always appear on the bottom.
  • Randomization can also be used as an assignment logic to determine which set of questions will be shown to the respondent.
  • Options are also available to assign a random order for answer options and then maintain that same order throughout the study for the given respondent.

Rating Questions

Questions that ask a respondent to assign a number to a specific range of negative to positive reactions.

Redirect Links

Redirect links bring respondents to a specific web page hosted by the sample provider upon completing, terminating, or going over quota.  


This column in the data file is the number of times the respondent re-entered survey (0 for no re-entry).


An individual who takes part in a market research survey.

Respondent Progress Report

A report placed on the Report Portal that includes terminates, completes, abandons, or a mix of these, for all or specific questions. If desired, it can also be narrowed down to respondent ID’s.

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Sample File

Respondent data as provided, detailing who to send invitations to and who to allow to complete a survey. Also can affect screener data if the sample determines the assigned cells or quotas.


This column in the data file is the the Sample Provider’s unique ID.


A question that asks qualified respondents to select a date and time to be contact for a follow up survey or participation in a forum.


The section of a survey where respondents go through screening. This section is normally at the beginning of a survey.


The process of asking specific questions to determine if respondents are qualified to complete a survey, and terminating those respondents who do not meet the qualifications.

Simple Counter

This is a viewable report standard for each survey. It contains a count grid of completes, terminates, and incompletes, as well as complete counts of any other responses requested to track, such as gender or quota variables.

Single-punch Question

A question with circular radio buttons that requires and accepts only one answer.

Skip Pattern

The path of questions seen by a certain respondent, often dictated by answers to certain questions. This enables respondents to skip over certain questions in response to their earlier answers.

Soft Launch Quota

A quota that is usually used in the early stages of a survey right after it goes live. These are hard quotas until they are removed.

Soft Quota

Quotas set to 9999 so they don’t have a max.  These will be tracked on the counter and can be edited in the Quota Management System.  Soft quotas are a good option if there may be a need to add the quota while the study is fielding but it is not needed at the beginning of fielding.

Standard Practices

A summary of design, programming, reporting, and data specifications performed specifically for a client. Examples may include always unforcing open-ended questions, delaying terminates, specifying browsers for testing, always getting a Respondent Progress Report, etc.

Standard Questions

Standard question types are those that do not require additional customization or extensive programming.  Jibunu has a wide variety of standard question types such as single punch with or without grids, multipunch with or without grids, numeric inputs, and open ends.


This column in the data file is toward the end of the file. This is the time the respondent started the survey.


A question within a question. All subquestions in the same group refer to the same question and use the same set of answers. These are most commonly seen in grids.


Questionnaires designed to gauge the opinions or knowledge of participants, often for market research purposes.

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A format applied to the entire survey, often dictating how it will appear.


To end the survey session due to a failure to meet a qualification during screening. Also, a “terminate” can refer to a respondent who has failed the screening process.


This column appears toward the end of the data file. This indicates the state of a respondent as they progress through the survey. To see a full list of the terminate locations within the survey see the layout file in the Data Files application or refer to the Terminates in the Simple Counter Report.

0 is complete.

-1 is in-progress. The respondent is currently in the screener and hasn’t yet qualified for the survey.

-2 is qualified in-progress. The respondent has completed the screener and qualified for the survey. They are actively in-progress and have not yet completed the survey.

-302 is qualified but suspended for inactivity. This respondent has completed the screener and qualified for the survey, however they have become inactive. They can continue where they left as long as the quotas are still open.

Terminate Page

The page seen when a respondent fails to meet the criteria for qualification in a survey. Usually, when live, will be redirected to a link provided. Jibunu standard is to display text saying, “We’re sorry, but you are not eligible to participate in this study. We appreciate your interest and hope you will participate in future studies. Thank you for your time.”


A survey that has the intention of collecting data indefinitely or over an extended period of time.

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See Hidden Variable.



A survey intended to be asked again after a period of time, where changes are often made before each release.



This column appears at the beginning of the data file. This is Jibunu’s unique ID for each respondent. This ID is automatically generated when a respondent enters the survey link.



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admin has written 28 articles

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