JEFF (Jibunu Enhanced Features and Functionality)

Jibunu Enhanced Features and Functionality can help to make the survey experience a better one for your respondents. By improving and innovating the smallest details and standard survey elements using software development, the survey taking process becomes less cumbersome and more streamlined. We care very much about your data and the person helping to supply it, and wanted to use our skills and expertise to help make surveys a better, and maybe even enjoyable, experience.

See our enhanced features and functionality in our demos! Visit our demos page to find out more about our capabilities.


JEFF Features:

  • Answer Selection: Allows respondents to select options more easily, especially when using mobile devices. Clicking on the answer text in a normal question will select the button. Also, when using a grid the entire box around the radio button or checkbox can be clicked on to select. In single punch grids, the box containing the answer text could also be clicked on to select the option.
  • Number Entry: For number total and percentage total questions, arrows will appear on the right side of the box to select the number if a keyboard is not available. The numbers chosen with the arrows will be limited to the values specified in the mask. If the respondent uses their keyboard to enter a number outside of the mask, the box will indicate an error by a red outline. Also, the respondent will receive an alert when trying to submit a number outside of the range that pops up on the box before the page is submitted so there is less load time. For enhanced functionality on mobile devices, these number boxes will bring up the devices number pad instead of a traditional keyboard.


  • Tabbing Order:  When answering a numeric grid and using the tab key on a keyboard or the next button on a mobile device, it traverses down the grid instead of across, or to a hyperlink on the next line.
  • Keyboard Binding: On request we can bound keyboard strokes to inputs and with numeric grids the numbers associated with the column can be used to set the next needed variable.
  • Grid Features:
    • Single-Punch: Grids will display one row at a time on mobile devices by default. This feature can be enabled for desktop browsers on request. The header will move and stay above the row to be answered on all devices. The row to be answered is also highlighted on all devices.
    • Multi-Punch: Grids will display all rows at once and the header will move and stay above the row to be answered.
    • Continue Button Hiding: The continue button and progress bar will not be visible until the last question is answered.
    • Auto-Scrolling: As respondents select their answers, the focus of the page will move to the question that they are on if the question is not currently in the view of the window. This feature is enabled for mobile devices by default and can be enabled for desktop browsers on request.


Updated: 6/16/2022

admin has written 28 articles

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