RAD (Responsive for All Devices)

RAD is Responsive for All Devices, where we use responsive design to create flexibility in the layouts and styles of our surveys. This eliminates the need to develop separate survey methodology for different screen sizes, allowing you to reach respondents on all devices. For most surveys this can be added without making changes to your questionnaire design and at no additional cost.

There are numerous benefits to using Responsive Design:

  • No need to design and develop a separate mobile version of your survey
  • One set of content to maintain, where changes and updates only need to be made once
  • One set of code for all devices and browsers
  • Most surveys will not incur additional costs and longer timelines
  • Most questionnaires will not require modification
  • Based on screen size, not device, so it will still work on future devices

See Responsive Design in our demos! Visit our demos page to find out more about our capabilities.


Updated: 6/16/2022

admin has written 28 articles

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