Email Broadcasts


If you need a way to get your survey to your respondents, Jibunu offers email broadcasting to as many email addresses as you need. We can send reminder follow-ups, different emails to different groups, and send in multiple languages. We have managed relationships with many of the main email providers, improving deliverable rates and decreasing the chance of your messages ending up in spam folders. Launch schedules can be customized based on your project’s schedule, including sending out emails on a rolling basis.

Email Template

When providing the final email template(s) please include the following:

  • Body Text
  • Subject Line
  • From Email Name (Displayed Name on the Email)
  • From Email Address (When sending from our mailing system we use or for the address so we can add what you like to use before the @ symbol).
  • Reply to Email Address (This is the email respondents will send to if they select reply to in the email. Our default is our support@jibunu.comand we would forward any emails we receive to you to review.)
  • Reply To (Displayed name when a respondent selected reply to. If our support address is used we will show “Support”.)

Sample File

When providing the list of emails please include the following:

  • Please provide an Excel file that includes a header row with “email” (required) and an email address for each respondent.
  • If information other than the email address is required to appear in the email or columns need to be pulled into the data file, please provide those columns that you need as well.
  • If we are handling the mailing for a survey where we didn’t program the survey for you, you will need to provide the survey link to be sent to respondents.

CAN-SPAM Act Requirements

This act defines certain legal guidelines controlling how emails should be composed by legitimate large scale emailing campaigns.

Below is Jibunu’s standard text included in broadcast emails as part of complying with the CAN-SPAM laws. If you include your own text within the template as long as it meets requirements we can use that as an alternative. In addition to the text we also include links to unsubscribe preferences where respondents have the option to unsubscribe from the current mailing as well as future mailings. Here is more information about the CAN-SPAM Act requirements.

Notice from Jibunu LLC: This email contains a link to or is related to research being conducted by one of our client companies. Your email address was supplied to us from our client as part of a subscribed list. It was supplied for the purpose of this research only and will not be used for any other purpose. If you would not like to receive further emails about this research project please click here for automated removal or reply to this message and type REMOVE in the subject line. This email was sent to you on behalf of a client by Jibunu LLC, 310 Authority Dr, Fitchburg, MA 01420. 

Available Report Stats for Mailings

When emails are sent for broadcasts, we have the following information available for the emails that were sent to, and this information can be exported in an Excel file format and shared with you if requested.

  • Requests
  • Delivered
  • Opens
  • Unique Opens
  • Clicks
  • Unique Clicks
  • Unsubscribes
  • Bounces
  • Spam Reports
  • Blocks
  • Bounce Drops
  • Spam Report Drops
  • Unsubscribe Drops
  • Invalid Email

Third Reminder Policy

Each email broadcast includes the initial email sends + two reminder emails. We typically do not recommend sending more than two reminders to the same list as it greatly increases the chance of us getting flagged as a Spam provider (it would be the fourth email people received for the survey) and additional reminders after the second often do not yield a significant response.

Important Note

We require that the email list being mailed to is a double opt-in list. Alternatively, we can take a single opt-in list and use an email verification to help clean the list. There is an additional cost for the email verification service, and this is not a guarantee that the list will be clean. We will only send to confirmed valid email addresses. We reserve the right to cease any broadcast that has triggered blacklisting due to email lists that do not contain valid double opt-in email addresses. The client will be responsible for any, and all costs associated with the Jibunu domain being blacklisted due to non-compliant lists.


Updated 3/7/23


Amanda Albert has written 28 articles

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