Best Practices for Questionnaire Documents

A Guide for Quicker Programming and Changes

1. Autonumbering:

Turn off autonumbering and autolettering in the Word documents. This is key so that the numbers and letters do not change in the document. Programming is based on the original information and changing existing numbers and letters can be very problematic and slow down the process.

2. Programming Notes:

Programming notes should refer to the specific question number and answer options whenever possible. Referencing both the number and the label is ideal and will help us program the fastest. Here is an example:

a. Ideal programming notes: [Skip if Q4=1 and Q10=2 (is a buyer that likes ice cream)]

b. Helpful programming notes: [Skip if Q4=1 and Q10=2]

c. Programming notes that slow us down: (is a buyer that likes ice cream). If only this information is provided we then need to review the document to figure out what qualifies someone as a buyer and what tells us that they like ice cream.


1. Track Changes:

Use the Track Changes feature to mark any and all changes.

a. If an item is being deleted make sure to track it so we can see to remove the item.

b. Accept all changes before adding any new changes.

c. If using comments do not add any changes in the comments, actually make the changes using the Track Changes feature. Once a comment has been addressed remove the comment.

2. Adding Questions:

If you need to add a question, you can add a new number or add a letter after the number. For example, if you want to add a question between Q13 and Q14, the question number could be Q13A. They do not need to be sequential, just unique.

3. Adding Answer Options:

If you need to add an answer option, just apply the next available number or letter in your list. It is ok if the numbers are out of order. If you have options that are anchored, insert new options above the anchored items.

4. Condense Changes:

Review and take note of all changes from testing, then send them together in one group. If any new notes are found while these changes are being made, hold them until that round of changes is complete, and send them with all new changes together in the next round.

5. Moving Questions:

If you need to move an existing question, do not delete the question and add a new question. Move the existing question and add a comment that you have moved the existing question.

Updated: 3/27/2023

Amanda Albert has written 28 articles

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