Amanda Albert has written 28 articles

JUMP (Jibunu Unified Management Platform)

JUMP (Jibunu Unified Management Platform) is our reporting platform where you will have access to all the tools available for each project. Below we have included some information about JUMP and the different tools. What is JUMP? JUMP is a platform that allows for Research and Project Managers to have greater control and visibility over their projects.  In JUMP, every…

Project Details

The Project Details section of JUMP provides the user with overall project information.  It is a good place to review various details that are to be incorporated into the survey, to confirm they are correct, or possibly see that they still need to be provided.  The one very different section is the Link page, which…

How to Generate Reports

To generate a report, first click into the Report Viewer for your specific project from the main page of JUMP (this is the graph symbol on your project’s JUMP card) and then use the menu on the left of the screen: 1. In the Report Type dropdown, select the report you would like to view.…

Simple Counter

The Simple Counter includes the respondent counts for your survey based on completes, terminates, abandons, specified quotas, as well as any other special fields you would like to have tracked. This report also shows your results broken down by Sample group (example: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, etc.) with your total respondent counts in…

Vendor Report

The Vendor Report provides a simple report for sample providers to get respondent IDs and statuses. All information in this report can be exported to Excel, and can make use of all the filters available in the Report Viewer. Filtering by Completes and exporting the IDs to Excel is a great way to create a…

Qualified Abandon and Respondent Progress Reports

The Qualified Abandon Report and the Respondent Progress Report give access to very similar information, presented in slightly different ways. We’ve grouped these 2 reports in this article to highlight their similarities and differences. Our Qualified Abandon Report and Respondent Progress Report both allow you to view where respondents are in the survey, and total…

Topline Report

The Topline Report gives you an immediate and granulated breakdown of respondent responses, though it does not give access to respondent IDs. To see responses for specific respondents, you will need to download a data file. For each question in the survey, this report gives you a breakdown of how many respondents selected each answer…

Average Duration by Page

Average Duration by Page gives you the count of respondents, and the average amount of time (in seconds) that respondents spent on each question in the survey.    ID = Survey question number  Count = Number of respondents included in the average   Duration (seconds) = The average time respondents spent on the question      For…

Generate Data File

JUMP gives you real time access to your data, with the ability to generate data files anytime, 24/7. You can also filter any report by date range, respondent status (completes/terminates/abandons), and language. We offer data exports in the following formats: Excel, CSV, SPSS and ASCII (by request). If you need a different type of file,…