Project Details

The Project Details section of JUMP provides the user with overall project information.  It is a good place to review various details that are to be incorporated into the survey, to confirm they are correct, or possibly see that they still need to be provided.  The one very different section is the Link page, which…

Qualified Abandon and Respondent Progress Reports

The Qualified Abandon Report and the Respondent Progress Report give access to very similar information, presented in slightly different ways. We’ve grouped these 2 reports in this article to highlight their similarities and differences. Our Qualified Abandon Report and Respondent Progress Report both allow you to view where respondents are in the survey, and total…

Accessing Video Uploads

On the main project page, select the application manager.   Once in the application, select the “View Reporting” link for the question you want to see the videos for. Note: If there is more than one question where a respondent can provide a video response then there will be a view reporting option for each…