Data Retention Policy

Data related to surveys stored by Jibunu, including data files, are encrypted and securely stored with restricted access on servers located in the United States. Jibunu asks that you let us know as soon as a study can be closed. Unless otherwise notified, any study that has been inactive (no respondent activity in the study)…

Email Broadcasts

Overview If you need a way to get your survey to your respondents, Jibunu offers email broadcasting to as many email addresses as you need. We can send reminder follow-ups, different emails to different groups, and send in multiple languages. We have managed relationships with many of the main email providers, improving deliverable rates and…

Dummy Data Requests

Jibunu uses a propriety automated tester to create Dummy Data which can be useful to confirm that the data from the survey is being created as it was intended. Dummy Data can be generated once the survey programming is finalized. For studies that we are unable to utilize the autotester due to certain custom exercises or…

How to Generate Reports

To generate a report, first click into the Report Viewer for your specific project from the main page of JUMP (this is the graph symbol on your project’s JUMP card) and then use the menu on the left of the screen: 1. In the Report Type dropdown, select the report you would like to view.…

Qualified Abandon and Respondent Progress Reports

The Qualified Abandon Report and the Respondent Progress Report give access to very similar information, presented in slightly different ways. We’ve grouped these 2 reports in this article to highlight their similarities and differences. Our Qualified Abandon Report and Respondent Progress Report both allow you to view where respondents are in the survey, and total…