Trisha Moore has written 8 articles

Jibunu Secure File Transfer

Using Jibunu’s Secure File Transfer is quick and easy.  We would like to remind you of a couple of data security items before you upload your file. Share the minimum information required for the survey. Please make sure to remove any information from the data file that is not essential for the needs of the…

Data Retention Policy

Data related to surveys stored by Jibunu, including data files, are encrypted and securely stored with restricted access on servers located in the United States. Jibunu asks that you let us know as soon as a study can be closed. Unless otherwise notified, any study that has been inactive (no respondent activity in the study)…

Best Practices for Questionnaire Documents

A Guide for Quicker Programming and Changes 1. Autonumbering: Turn off autonumbering and autolettering in the Word documents. This is key so that the numbers and letters do not change in the document. Programming is based on the original information and changing existing numbers and letters can be very problematic and slow down the process.…

JUMP (Jibunu Unified Management Platform)

JUMP (Jibunu Unified Management Platform) is our reporting platform where you will have access to all the tools available for each project. Below we have included some information about JUMP and the different tools. What is JUMP? JUMP is a platform that allows for Research and Project Managers to have greater control and visibility over their projects.  In JUMP, every…

How to Generate Reports

To generate a report, first click into the Report Viewer for your specific project from the main page of JUMP (this is the graph symbol on your project’s JUMP card) and then use the menu on the left of the screen: 1. In the Report Type dropdown, select the report you would like to view.…

Vendor Report

The Vendor Report provides a simple report for sample providers to get respondent IDs and statuses. All information in this report can be exported to Excel, and can make use of all the filters available in the Report Viewer. Filtering by Completes and exporting the IDs to Excel is a great way to create a…

Crosstabs Instructions

Due to recent changes by our Advanced Reporting (i.e., Crosstabs) partner, you will need to use the following MareketSight link and log in with the credentials provided by your Jibunu project manager: The dataset is changed from within JUMP by clicking the orange “Change Dataset” button at the top of the Advanced Reporting screen…